Chalkboard paint, a special type of paint available at craft and home improvement stores, dries to a wonderful chalkboard finish.
What a great way to add personal flair throughout your home! Take a look at the photos below and imagine the possibilities!
Platter chalkboard by miekekanis via Etsy
Framed chalkboards by ShugabeeLane via Etsy
Made from an old mirror
The most awesome kitchen wall EVER
(wall by lovelace interior design)
Chalkboard pantry door
Another pantry door with chalkboard paint

Bedroom wall with chalkboard paint
Frames over a chalkboard wall
Art chalkboard wall with DIY instructions from Michelle Lunt
Behind an old frame = great look!
he he
Chalkboard door
Chalkboard calendar made from an old window frame

Dining room chalkboard wall
Painted directly onto furniture: Wonderful! (and wonderful tutorial for this project from Whipperberry! *be sure to follow her directions for seasoning your chalkboard before using it!)
Chalkboard coffee table-top: perfect for keeping score on game night!
(from Better Homes & Gardens)
Wine wall = Fabulous!
Creative place settings (via Martha)
Photo via Pottery Barn
What fun! I wish I had this when my girls were this age! (fabulous project from Nest of Posies)
Coordinate the chalkboard paint to your mudroom (directions at end of post) image via Martha
Customize your decor - inspire yourself!
via BrookeAckley
Framed chalkboards by ShugabeeLane via Etsy (above and below)
Chalkboard to-do list by A Beach Cottage
Kitchen island by Dear Lillie
Chalkbaord door DIY
To get this look: begin with a base coat of chalkboard paint, and then mix in varying
amounts of white chalkboard paint to create the lighter squares. via Martha
amounts of white chalkboard paint to create the lighter squares. via Martha
Custom Colors How-To from Martha Stewart
Start with flat-finish latex paint in any shade. For small areas, such as a door panel, mix 1 cup at a time.
1. Pour 1 cup of paint into a container. Add 2 tablespoons of unsanded tile grout. Mix with a paint stirrer, carefully breaking up clumps.
2. Apply paint with a roller or a sponge paintbrush to a primed or painted surface. Work in small sections, going over the same spot several times to ensure full, even coverage. Let dry.
3. Smooth area with 150-grit sandpaper, and wipe off dust.
4. To condition: Rub the side of a piece of chalk over entire surface. Wipe away residue with a barely damp sponge. (directions from Martha Stewart)
Or....Make Your Own Chalkboard Paint!
1 cup of flat paint + 2 tablespoons unsanded grout = chalk paint!
Yes - you can make it in any color!
Yes - you can make it in any color!
Take a look at colored chalkboard paint...
Chalkboard globes bluebellbazaar on Etsy
Chalkboard paint pumpkin - great for kids!
Chalkboard paint cabinets
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