Senin, 29 April 2013

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A Contributing Editor

Last Fall, while discussing the details over the feature on our guest house, I was asked to join Country Living magazine as a contributing editor. 

This was of course a complete surprise, and I was sure I was being mistaken for someone else. 

When I told Mike this news, he responded with lots of congratulations, and then asked, "what does a contributing editor do?" 

I said that I didn't know exactly, but it sounded very important! 

Needless to say, I was quite honored to be asked as I've been a passionate Country Living reader for many years. 

So far, I've been helping to develop story ideas and to find beautiful homes to feature on the pages of the magazine. It has been a great experience. I am continually reminded of the passion and spirit that so many people invest to make their homes and livelihoods truly beautiful and special, and also how their lives are enriched by the beauty that they create. 

There are so many wonderful details that fashion those warm and loving spaces. And that's ultimately what its all about isn't it -  
to endear those spaces so that we and our loved ones feel embraced by the homes that hold us? 

I look forward to sharing my experiences through this new endeavor!

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