Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

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Dreaming of Color!

How is everyone doing these days? Me I�m dreaming of spring, warmth and what type of apple trees we�ll be planting once we thaw out. While we won�t be planting an orchard we will be planting a few varieties. I also can�t wait to see some kind of color besides WHITE! I�m so sick of seeing white and dark days.

Yes we can see the sun up there but it isn't sunny here but soon. Hard to see in this picture but it�s snowing�AGAIN! We�ve received over five feet of snow just in February and I have to tell you I�m done with old man winter for one year. While it�s good for our wells and I know we�re fortune to be getting moisture when so much of the country has been going through a drought I�m waving the white flag and crying uncle. Enough snow already!

Poor Dylan dog has had enough too. This poor dog is feeling so land locked not being able to run around his field and not being able to hike in his forest. We�ve tried to help the little guy get around by snow blowing paths for him but he wants green grass under his heels and to be able to roam on his own.
He just walked over here and plunked down and started licking the snow. Not sure if he�s trying to make it go away or make friends since it seems to be staying around. We are lucky in the fact it has been melting off almost as fast as it has been coming down.

The snow does make very picturesque views

And thankfully the snowmobile club drags hundreds of miles making walking easier.

Overlooking the frozen lake�.

Dylan dog likes to play king of the hill on the snow banks. (Sorry for the sleeve shot in the corner of the picture)
 Pinterest apple blossoms
But I�m still dreaming of color and spring!
I hope everyone has a fabulous week and think spring please! Welcome to all my new followers and welcome aboard!

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