Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Filled Under:

Snow Day!

Old man winter has finally decided to show up this year and he waited until March 1st! We already have six inches of snow down with up to ten more inches coming. I have to admit I�ve missed seeing the snow this year but all at once�really?

Trust me I know how fortunate I am to live where I do, the air is clean, the beauty breath taking and this is just outside our kitchen window.

 I dashed out to the front porch to snap these lovelies feasting, a Common Flicker and�.

Mister Cardinal�..

Who suddenly got camera shy!

A typical morning chat over coffee around here�..

This little guy didn�t stay in his polka dot coat for long and wasn�t at all sure about his first snowfall.

Instead he grew his own coat and loves the snow.

There�s no getting this bear inside during a good snowfall. Trust me he's all hair and that coat is going to start falling out all over our house soon but that's life with a Golden and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

I hope everyone is having a beautiful day!


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