Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Filled Under:

Getting Pummeled!!!


Irene is here and we're getting bitch slapped like you wouldn't believe! Trees are
getting bent to the ground and projectiles are flying through the air but we�re
fine here in New Hampshire.


We�re receiving more rain then I have ever witness but since
we live on the side of a mountain we�re staying high and dry.

You can�t see across the front yard for all of this��.

Mister man has our canoe primed and ready just in case.......

 and Dylan dog would rather be outside chasing whatever floats his way......

He�s really hoping he won�t be doing any of this unless he
chooses too.

I�ve said it before and I�ll say it again�BLOGGERS ROCK!
I�ve received so many kind and concerned emails making sure we�re ok. Each and
every one of you is truly a gift and I thank you. We�re staying inside and
avoiding windows but we�re fine.

I hope all of you have a safe, dry and Happy

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