Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

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My Pedestals....They're done!

This is just a recap for those who are just joining in, my husband, mister man, copied these pedestals from Atlanta Homes Magazine�..I know he�s a gem ;)

Then it was my turn to start staining and it wasn�t a good thing! The dark gray turned out to be very blue and I was trying to match the pedestals in the magazine, dark charcoal gray. I liked them for a reason!

Since the gray didn't work out I thought black would since you paint it on and leave for three minutes before wiping off...it worked and I'm loving my pedestals! One coat of black stain was all that was required.

Then the pedestals needed to be waxed with a couple of coats and buffed and I did it all by hand since I was enjoying the waxing process. I liked the smell of the wax and it was very relaxing. The wax was allowed to harden/dry and my antique urns placed and I haven�t stopped dancing in my dining room since�..I LOVE MY PEDESTALS!

I know the urns need some greenery and a picture placed on the walls behind them but before I do that I noticed my dining room needs painting something a little lighter perhaps. There�s a mirror on another wall that needs to go, chairs could use some slipcovers��ok, my dining room is about to get a face lift! Isn�t this always the case you bring one item in that sings and the whole room needs to be redone. I wonder what mister man would think about fuchsia....        (kidding honey!)

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