Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

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Women Behind the Men.......

Have you ever given thought to the women behind the men during this holiday season? First we have the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus whose birthday it is we�re celebrating. If not for Mary we wouldn�t have this wonderful holiday to celebrate. Happy Birthday Jesus!

How about Santa�s reindeer did you know that the reindeer are actually all females? That�s right, those lovely animals seen pulling Santa�s sleigh are female. Only the female reindeer have their antlers when Christmas arrives and have the energy required for pulling a sleigh.    (Think sex when it comes to the males but we won�t go there right now.)

She looks happy huh?

So lets all give thanks to the women in our lives this holiday season because chances are she too is also the woman behind a man!

Happy Holidays!

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