Jumat, 24 September 2010

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Goodies from Wallas Verden

Wallas Verden is a Norwegian interior shop, unfortunately. This means I can�t order anything without it being extremely expensive. Not only because the Norwegian kroner is more worth than the Swedish, but also because Norway isn�t an EU country and therefore demands toll for shipping. Stupid!

Oh well, here are some of their tempting products, anyway.

35939_448525232089_120161632089_6174987_7516546_n 38861_448525472089_120161632089_6175010_295479_n 38902_448525297089_120161632089_6174993_5285895_n 39033_448252632089_120161632089_6166646_7186941_n 39262_448252707089_120161632089_6166652_3785001_n 39955_448525377089_120161632089_6174998_387944_n 39955_448525392089_120161632089_6175001_5047333_n 40667_448252682089_120161632089_6166650_236424_n


Happy end of the week, to you all!

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